A FULL LIFE By Salatu Sule in memory of Aisha B.A. Lemu née Honey

A Full Life

By Salatu Sule

(In memory of Aisha Bridget-Anne Lemu née Honey: Oct 14 1940 – Jan 05 2019)

I can’t remember the exact moment I met Hajia, as she was generally known on the I.E.T. compound, but quite a long time before then I had met her through her books. I was in primary school when I stumbled upon the book on seerah which was in my dad’s collection of books in his room…

Read the full article below

a full life – in memory of b. aisha lemu – oct 14 1940 to jan 05 2019 c


  1. May Allah Have Mercy on her Soul..
    I remember her ” Assalamu Alaikum Students” on those morning assemblies.
    She was full of wisdom.
    May Allah reward her for the knowledge she shared and the many lives she has touched.


  2. An exemplary life well spent indeed. Her books have been apart of me and my children. For that we are eternally grateful. She loved and is loved. I remember the few times I met her in Kano. Her husband, my late father’s contemporary doted on her. She’s an example of those whom the prophet said are saved, who meet their Lord while their husbands are pleased with them. In shaa Allah Rabbil ‘aalameen is pleased with her. May he accept all the good she’d done and reward her for the countless lives she’d touched. And may Allah grant her firdaus. In shaa Allah we’ll all be with the Rasoul she loves so much in jannatul firdaus. May Allah in His mercy grant her family the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss and may we all follow in her steps, albeit her shoes are too big for us. Ameen.

    Rest in perfect peace Mummy.


  3. Dear Lemu Family,

    I have never heard of The Late Aisha B.A. Lemu née Honey until I met Sir Muhammad Nuruddeen in September in the margins of an international UN conference. He fondly mentioned about his mum and how he can’t much disrupt his agenda as he must spend time with her. That expression of love of a son to his mother was so touching as I felt from personal experience what it means to not missed any opportunity to enjoy our parents until they depart this earth. May her gentle soul rest in peace and may the almighty Lord grant the family the strength to support and accept this terrible loss. With my sincere sympathy and condolences.


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